
Zen: The art of simple living

Discover peace in everyday life with Shunmyo Masuno's transformative lessons from Zen Buddhism. Find simplicity and mindfulness in just 100 days.

  • Simplify life, increase focus

  • Nature reconnects, revitalises
  • Mindfulness fosters productivity
  • Harmonious living, successful entrepreneurship
  • Daily rituals matter

In "Zen: The Art of Simple Living," Shunmyō Masuno offers profound yet accessible wisdom that speaks to the heart of overwhelmed entrepreneurs. The book, though not a business manual, subtly unpacks the essence of Zen principles, advocating for a life of simplicity and mindfulness. Entrepreneurs, often caught in the storm of innovation and competition, stand to gain significantly from this oasis of calm.

Masuno champions the art of decluttering, both physically and mentally. For business leaders, this transcends into an entrepreneurial strategy focused on priority, clarity, and the boldness to discard the superfluous. This minimalist approach encourages decision-makers to cut through the noise, fostering a business environment where clarity drives innovation and growth, allowing for ventures that are both scalable and sustainable.

Reconnection with nature, a recurrent theme, serves as a reminder of life beyond boardrooms. Entrepreneurs are nudged towards a sustainable work-life rhythm, enhancing personal well-being and, by extension, business health. This holistic growth, often overlooked in traditional business doctrines, is crucial for long-term success and personal fulfilment.

Importantly, the book underscores mindfulness and presence, vital for decision-making and leadership. By embracing these practices, entrepreneurs can lead with empathy and insight, establishing a positive workplace culture and resilient business structures.

Masuno doesn’t neglect the importance of harmony in personal and professional spaces, highlighting that success isn’t exclusively the bottom line, but also the equilibrium achieved en route. The daily rituals and disciplines outlined are instrumental in building this balance, ensuring that success is a journey enjoyed, not merely a destination reached.

Ultimately, "Zen: The Art of Simple Living" is a compass for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the complexities of business with serenity, steering them towards success that embraces and enriches the human experience.

Target Reader Description:

The ideal reader is a reflective individual, perhaps an entrepreneur or business leader, seeking balance amidst the hustle of professional life. They are likely to be on a quest for contentment beyond material success, aspiring to harmonise personal well-being with business triumph.

Shunmyō Masuno

"We are busy because there is no room in our heart."
"Almost all anxieties are intangible. They are the invention of your own mind."
"No day is more important than today
There is capability within all of us - no one has zero potential."
"There are some things you can appreciate only when you do them yourself."
"We cannot change what happens in life, but it is within our power to deal with what happens."


"Brings the spirit of Zen Buddhism to everyday life... 100 snack-sized Zen activities you can do daily to add more calm to your life." 




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