Leadership & Management

Let my people go surfing

Explore "Let My People Go Surfing" by Yvon Chouinard, the tale of Patagonia's founder, reflecting on adventure, environment, and responsible business practices.

The Education of a Reluctant Businessman: Yvon Chouinard

  • Embrace sustainability as a business strategy.
  • Prioritise ethical considerations in decision-making.
  • Business success beyond just profit generation.
  • Innovation includes improving environmental impacts.
  • Adventure and risk spark entrepreneurial growth.

"Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman" is more than a memoir; it's a treasure trove of entrepreneurial wisdom and an honest reflection on a journey of rebellion, innovation, and groundbreaking brand leadership. Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, Inc., doesn't just narrate the company's history; he plunges into the heart of what it means to challenge the status quo of the business world.

For entrepreneurs, Chouinard's life story unravels the paradox of achieving business success while staying true to one's values. It's a deep dive into balancing ambition with sustainability, growth with responsibility—a guide to creating a company that doesn’t just make money but makes a difference. The book is a clarion call for daring leadership, encouraging entrepreneurs to defy convention and to see environmental stewardship as a critical component of true success.

In an era where startup culture is obsessed with scale and speed, Chouinard emphasizes a different kind of courage: the courage to slow down, to be accountable, and to consider the ecological footprint in every business decision. He redefines entrepreneurial bravery, showing that the ultimate risk lies in sacrificing principles for profit and that true innovation is not just creating a unique product, but pioneering new standards for ethical business.

Through tales of adventure, defiant innovations, and mindful leadership, "Let My People Go Surfing" is an unconventional business book, imparting lessons on how to sew the fabric of a responsible yet competitive company. It speaks to the entrepreneur tired of traditional corporate narratives, offering a compelling alternative path to success—one where you can make a living without losing your soul.


“The more you know, the less you need.”

“How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top.”

“Real adventure is defined best as a journey from which you may not come back alive, and certainly not as the same person.”

“If you want to understand the entrepreneur, study the juvenile delinquent. The delinquent is saying with his actions, "This sucks. I'm going to do my own thing.”

“The worst thing said about him is that he was "incurious.”

“The goal of climbing big, dangerous mountains should be to attain some sort of spiritual and personal growth, but this won’t happen if you compromise away the entire process.”

“I've always thought of myself as an 80 percenter. I like to throw myself passionately into a sport or activity until I reach about an 80 percent proficiency level. To go beyond that requires an obsession that doesn't appeal to me. Once I reach 80 percent level I like to go off and do something totally different; that probably explains the diversity of the Patagonia product like - and why our versatile, multifaceted clothes are the most successful.”


"This is the story of an attempt to do more than change a single corporation--it is an attempt to challenge the culture of consumption that is at the heart of the global ecological crisis."


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