Leadership & Management


"Indistractable" by Nir Eyal offers insight into reclaiming focus and overcoming distractions, empowering you to live with intention and efficiency.

Mastering Your Focus and Designing Your Destiny: Nir Eyal, Julia Li, et al.

  • Master internal triggers.
  • Make time for traction.
  • Control external distractions.
  • Avoid unnecessary interruptions.
  • Harness precommitments effectively.

"Indistractable" by Nir Eyal serves as a timely guide for entrepreneurs swimming against the tide of constant distractions. In an age where attention is a scarce commodity, Eyal provides a robust framework to understand and harness the internal triggers leading to distraction, allowing business leaders to redirect that energy towards meaningful activities - a process he coins 'traction.'

The book underscores the importance of time management, advising entrepreneurs to schedule their days meticulously to carve out periods dedicated to personal reflection, strategic thinking, and professional development. Such practices are not just about rigid schedules but fostering a mindset that recognises the value of one's time.

Controlling the external environment is equally crucial. Eyal suggests creating an environment conducive to focus, which might mean setting standards around email response times, or establishing a company culture where deep work is respected and unnecessary meetings are abolished.

Furthermore, "Indistractable" emphasises the power of 'precommitments,' binding promises to oneself or others that bolster resolve against distractions. For entrepreneurs, this could translate into public commitments to business goals, making it psychologically harder to back out and encouraging accountability.

Importantly, Eyal does not advocate a Spartan lifestyle devoid of leisure. Instead, he encourages intentional indulgence in leisure, making time for activities that refresh and revitalise the entrepreneurial spirit. Balancing professional rigour with personal well-being is not just recommended; it's necessary for sustained success and a fulfilling life.

For Readers Who: Entrepreneurs, professionals battling distractions, individuals seeking improved concentration, and anyone striving for a well-balanced, productive life will find "Indistractable" invaluable.


“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.”
“Fun is looking for the variability in something other people don’t notice. It’s breaking through the boredom and monotony to discover its hidden beauty.”
“Even when we think we’re seeking pleasure, we’re actually driven by the desire to free ourselves from the pain of wanting.”“If you were to walk around Slack’s company headquarters in San Francisco, you’d notice a peculiar slogan on the hallway walls. White letters on a bright pink background blare, “Work hard and go home.”
“Anything that stops discomfort is potentially addictive, but that doesn’t make it irresistible. If you know the drivers of your behaviour, you can take steps to manage them.”
“Ten-minute rule. If I find myself wanting to check my phone as a pacification device when I can’t think of anything better to do, I tell myself it’s fine to give in, but not right now. I have to wait just ten minutes.”
“Next, book fifteen minutes on your schedule every week to reflect and refine your calendar by asking two questions: Question 1 (Reflect): “When in my schedule did I do what I said I would do and when did I get distracted?” Answering this question requires you to look back at the past week.”


"Indistractable provides a framework that will deliver the focus you need to get results." 


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