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Enhancing Production Efficiency | Firehawk Analytics

Written by Chris Blyth | 28 June 2023 2:00:00 PM

Delivering Efficiency Through Integrated Order Systems

Firehawk Analytics' case study details the journey of enhancing production efficiency for a manufacturer overwhelmed by multifaceted ordering processes. By centralising order management, the Firehawk team not only simplified the manufacturing workflow but also established a new paradigm of operational excellence within the industry.

Our client, a prominent Australian manufacturer, was grappling with a fragmented ordering system. Their expansive product range, sold across various channels each with unique IT systems, presented a significant challenge. Daily, the production team struggled to consolidate orders, leading to inefficiencies and, at times, unmet customer expectations.

Harmonising Data for Operational Agility

The core objective defined for this project was to amalgamate disparate IT systems into a singular platform. This integration aimed to facilitate a cohesive daily production list, enabling seamless order fulfilment and providing a consolidated view for production staff, thus significantly reducing operational friction.

A Unified Platform for Order Processing

To combat the challenges, Firehawk Analytics leveraged its expertise in data extraction and structuring. The team initiated a robust data integration process, ensuring different IT systems communicated effectively, categorising orders on a consistent basis to produce a unified production sheet.

The approach was meticulously planned. It began with an exhaustive analysis of the existing IT systems, followed by data extraction and structuring phases that required careful planning and execution. Through collaborative workshops with production staff and management, Firehawk Analytics ensured the final solution was tailor-made to the client's operational flow.

The solution was executed using a blend of bespoke data integration tools and a custom-built platform designed for scalability and real-time updates. This system was rigorously tested and refined during the three-week implementation phase, culminating in a seamless daily roll-out to production staff.

Optimised Production and Enhanced Fulfilment

The impact was immediate and significant. Production staff now receive a comprehensive list of daily orders by 7 am, inclusive of docking information to ensure timely delivery. This systematic approach has resulted in marked improvements in production efficiency, order accuracy, and customer satisfaction.