Insights Hub

Reducing Extraction and Storage Costs | Firehawk Analytics

Written by Chris Blyth | 18 June 2023 2:00:00 PM

Discover how Firehawk Analytics turned an overpriced, underutilised tech stack into a streamlined, cost-effective solution, leading to significant savings and improved business intelligence.

Our client, a burgeoning enterprise, had swiftly expanded since its inception a few years ago. Initially, the technology stack was implemented under the supervision of a former Chief Information Officer (CIO). It was designed during the early days when the company's specific needs were still becoming clear.

The company grappled with escalating annual costs of approximately $80,000, resulting from an amalgamation of various license fees and maintenance expenses. The technology infrastructure was excessive for the organisation's needs and was consequently underused. Furthermore, the information stored within this setup wasn't readily accessible for operational and business intelligence applications, thereby hindering its practical utility.

A quest to strategically cut costs and harness information efficiently.

The primary goal was straightforward: reduce the annual expenditure incurred by the existing technological setup. In doing so, the client sought to enhance the accessibility and utility of the stored information for both operational and business intelligence purposes.

Transforming business intelligence through strategic technology realignment.

Firehawk Analytics proposed migrating the entire operation to our cloud-based software platform, Members Portal. We specialise in extracting pertinent information from various business applications, and our solution was tailored to meet the client's needs. By constructing smart engines, we ensured the information was structured in an easily digestible format.

The transition was executed meticulously over a period of three weeks. Every piece of necessary information was securely stored and then represented through customised dashboards tailored to the client's needs. This shift not only eliminated the need for the existing cloud-based storage system but also led to substantial cost savings.

Unlocking substantial savings and facilitating informed decision-making.

The implementation of our solution led to the client saving close to $100,000 annually. However, considering the internal management costs, the true savings were estimated to be between $150,000 to $200,000. Beyond the financial benefits, the solution also empowered the company with business intelligence tools necessary for making evidence-based decisions. Users could effortlessly access the data they needed through a single sign-on, thereby optimising their roles.